| Joined the JA on July 4th, 2007 | Proud member of No Surrender & Terminative� | Founder of the Grimclaw Family |
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Comments |
Xanatos - Student |
Hey man, hope you're well. Not sure how often you check this, but also not sure how to reach you. There is someone named Fake/Stereo and says he used to be a padawan of yours.. he said it'd be awesome to speak to you again. Went by 'Klinger' back then.. You know where to me/us . _______________ |
Hercules - Student |
Kally! _______________ Training partner to Kaldør | Brother to Illusion!st |
ZantuS - Student |
Quote: I wonder If you still check this from time to time, Kal
Me too. I still remember you, Kal! _______________ Happiness is the ability to say "So what?" |
Hercules - Student |
I wonder If you still check this from time to time, Kal _______________ Training partner to Kaldør | Brother to Illusion!st |
Sajid - The Undertitled |
This made me laugh so hard! I wonder if this was PS'ed, or the Apocalypse really is coming this year! _______________ Brother to Quill You don't understand. I'm not locked in here with you, YOUR LOCKED IN HERE WITH ME! |
Kaldør - Student |
Quote: Kaldor, you are a pathetic excuse of a Canadian. Shall I remind you of your defeat on that TFFA fight where I beat you with pure blue. Hahaha
http://theunitedforces.forumotion.com/t373-ns-vs-de The nS, (None Skilled) clan is no match for the power of my LYpse and the Dark Empire of the Sith. It must feel great to have the need to prove something :> |
planK - Jedi Council |
Cease and desist with the shenanigans or I will lame you! |
Ãà rth Àpòçålýpsè - Student |
Kaldor, you are a pathetic excuse of a Canadian. Shall I remind you of your defeat on that TFFA fight where I beat you with pure blue. Hahaha
http://theunitedforces.forumotion.com/t373-ns-vs-de The nS, (None Skilled) clan is no match for the power of my LYpse and the Dark Empire of the Sith. _______________ New -[DE]- Site. |
Hugo - Student |
No you |
ZantuS - Student |
Hey, you ever on Skype nowadays? _______________ Happiness is the ability to say "So what?" |
Kaldør - Student |
Quote: Quote: Just wondering,
If you joined the JA in 2007, wouldn't you have racked up more than 500 comments? You seem pretty active, so it doesn't add up. He's active in Terminative 3 and just in JK:JA. But he's not in the TJA, quite obviously. But I guess that's no exception nowadays. Plus, he likes to play instead of feel like a jedi on the web and bug others with comments. /out *cough* Oh you. |
Sajid - The Undertitled |
Just wondering,
If you joined the JA in 2007, wouldn't you have racked up more than 500 comments? You seem pretty active, so it doesn't add up. _______________ Brother to Quill You don't understand. I'm not locked in here with you, YOUR LOCKED IN HERE WITH ME! |
ZantuS - Student |
JUMALAUTA! _______________ Happiness is the ability to say "So what?" |
Jaina D'Kana - Jedi Instructor |
wha? _______________ INTP |
Clumsy Jedi - Student |
Cookies for kaldor! _______________ Fun.Is.Important.To.My.Survival. |
Sajid - The Undertitled |
You could have gotten the mac.
I have a MacBook Air with Mac OS X Lion, Windows 7, and Linux Ubuntu 10.1 on it. All I have to do is hold alt while starting up, and it gives me a neat little menu to choose my start up OS. _______________ Brother to Quill You don't understand. I'm not locked in here with you, YOUR LOCKED IN HERE WITH ME! |
Sajid - The Undertitled |
Lions out, have you bought that iMac yet? _______________ Brother to Quill You don't understand. I'm not locked in here with you, YOUR LOCKED IN HERE WITH ME! |
Hercules - Student |
Kal, answer anything, please! I've got a feeling, you do not even glimpse your profile! ( Joke )
I will buy you this If you show up! http://www.figurerealm.com/Galleries/starwarspoweroftheforce1995/LandoChewbaccaHanSolo-Front.jpg _______________ Training partner to Kaldør | Brother to Illusion!st |
Hercules - Student |
Kal, really, take some time and stay on x fire! A lot of things to talk about. We should have a couple of words as soon as possible!
--- Hercules _______________ Training partner to Kaldør | Brother to Illusion!st |
Hercules - Student |
Kaldor, when do you log on? I cannot catch you, can you stay longer? Looking forward to seeing you! --- Hercules _______________ Training partner to Kaldør | Brother to Illusion!st |
Nogrhan - Student |
Quote: |
Nogrhan - Student |
Quote: |
Lok - Student |
busy @ work :O i work 12 hours a day nao and im 2 tierd 2 play when i get home...i be back when things starts 2 calm down @ work _______________ "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It's just that your is stupid" |
Hugo - Student |
boo |
Nogrhan - Student |
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